Grade Change
A student may appeal a final grade for a better grade NO LATER than the end of the
semester following the semester in which the grade was given. The student must first
speak to the instructor about the grade. If that does not satisfactorily resolve the
matter, the student should then contact the Chairperson of the Department.
If appealing a grade of FIN, INC, or WU, the student may file an appeal with the Committee
on Academic Review in Room A-228.
Any grades from the fall or winter must be appealed to the Committee on Academic Review
no later than the last day of classes of the subsequent spring term or summer session.
Any grades from the spring or summer must be appealed to the Committee on Academic
Review by no later than the last day of classes of the subsequent fall term or winter
Please be aware that once a student graduates from KCC, no grade changes can be completed,
and the student's record is considered final.