Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to cultivate a culture
of assessment by engaging the campus community in assessment, strategic planning,
and institutional accreditation activities and by gathering and sharing evidence of
the College’s progress toward its mission and institutional goals. The OIE provides
oversight and guidance in acquiring and using institutional data; lends expertise
and support to academic and administrative, educational, and student support (AES)
units in using assessment to enhance student learning and operational effectiveness;
and assists with designing and conducting research across the College.
The primary functions of the Office are:
Institutional Research - Provide descriptive data and analytical reports that supply information to support
decision making and accountability.
Institutional Effectiveness Assessment- Lead, facilitate, and conduct College-wide assessments and assessment of individual
Administrative and Educational Support (AES) offices.
Academic Assessment - Lead, facilitate, and conduct assessment of of Student Learning in academic departments.
Strategic Planning -Support and coordinate long-term and annual strategic planning, and collaborate with
other departments to connect institutional assessment, planning, and budget development.