Meet the Writing Fellows
Maureen Coyle is a PhD student in the Basic & Applied Social Psychology program at the Graduate
Center, City University of New York. She is also the lab manager of the Health, Emotion,
and Relationships Team (HEART) Lab at Brooklyn College. She investigates how computer-mediated
communication affects interpersonal processes in newfangled relationships. She aims
to identify how ambiguity in text-based interactions disrupts interpersonal connection
and how individuals attempt to reduce ambiguity. Her projects address issues such
as the role of emoji use in impression formation and perceived partner responsiveness
and how experiences with being ghosted on online dating platforms affects pursuit
of future partners.
Alicia Cannizzo is a doctoral candidate in art history at the CUNY Graduate Center. She has an M.A.
from the University of Wisconsin and a B.A from Evergreen State College. Alicia's
dissertation research focuses on tomb monuments during the later part of the European
Middle Ages and analyzes the influence of the early scientific understanding of the
body in this period on representations of the human figure. She was born in Colorado
and has lived in the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, and the Northeast.
Liz Carlin is a doctoral student in Critical Social Psychology at the Graduate Center. She has
a B.A. in psychology from Yale University and an M.S. in social epidemiology from
Harvard School of Public Health. She studies the misuse of race and gender in biomedical
research. Her current research project focuses on the use of race as a "risk factor"
for health outcomes specifically, tracing the racial claims about hair in the clinical
literature on polycystic ovary syndrome. Liz is conversant in American Sign Language.
Bradley Gray is an Industrial-Organizational Psychology PhD student at Baruch College and The
Graduate Center, CUNY. He obtained a B.A. in Psychology from Wake Forest University
in 2010 and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Towson University in 2012. He is interested
in Occupational Health Psychology, change management, and executive development. Originally
from Jacksonville, Florida, he has also lived in Winston-Salem and Baltimore. He now
resides in Brooklyn with his wife, daughter, two cats, and dog.
Peter Kramer was born in Portland, Oregon (b.1989) where he studied composition, piano and violin
with Dr. Marshall Tuttle at Mount Hood Community College. He graduated from the Oberlin
Conservatory (2014) with a double major in Composition and Harpsichord Performance,
and is currently pursuing his PhD in Composition at the CUNY Graduate Center, studying
with Jason Eckardt and Suzanne Farrin. His principal teachers also include Lewis Nielson
and Webb William Wiggins.
Peter has attended the Loretto Festival (2017) with the Longleash Trio, and the June
in Buffalo Festival (2016) where he worked with composers David Felder, Hans Abrahamsen,
Chinary Ung and Hanna Eimermacher. His compositions have been performed by ensembles
such as Longleash, TAK, Uusinta, Oberlin CME, Nouveau Classical Project, andPlay,
Second Species, Wolftone, JACK Quartet, Mivos Quartet and the Emissary Quartet. He
has participated in composition master classes with Rodger Reynolds, Jason Eckardt,
Phillip Cashian, George Lewis, and Mark Barden, and harpsichord master classes with
Mitzi Meyerson, Charles Metz, Ton Koopman, Jacques Ogg and Michael Sponseller. He
has attended the New Music on the Point, SICPP, and Nief-Norf festivals as a composer,
and the Vancouver Early Music Festival, Baroque Performance Institute, Accademia d’Amore
opera workshop as a harpsichordist. He has also spent time at the Banff Center in
Alberta Canada as an artist in residence. He has been awarded the Walter E. Aschaffenburg
Prize in Composition, Earl L. Russel Award in Historical Performance and the Shansi
Prize for his choral composition AMA from Oberlin Conservatory. Additionally, Peter
has been mentored by composers Eric Wubbles, Josh Levine, and Daniel Tacke. Peter
has taught Music Appreciation and Baroque Music courses at Baruch College and will
begin working at Kingsborough Community College as a Writing across the Curriculum
mentor (WAC) through the CUNY Graduate Center. Apart from composition and harpsichord
performance, his interests include harpsichord and organ building/maintenance, playing
the lute and baroque guitar, and studying aspects of American folk and blues music.
Alisa Krieg is a doctoral student in sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center. Her interests include
the sociology of family, emotion and mental health, and cultures of social class.
Her current research looks at the social construction of childhood. Alisa grew up
in California and has a B.A. in Communication from UCLA, where she studied mass media
and gender. Apart from academic work, she enjoys writing fiction, reading social commentary,
and discussing human nature.
Zoey Lavallee is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the Graduate Center of the City University
of New York. Zoey is originally from a small town in Western Canada. They earned a
B.A. honors degree in Philosophy from the University of Victoria, with a minor in
Spanish. Zoey works in philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and feminist
philosophy. Their dissertation research is focused on theorizing the nature of desire,
and in particular, the role that desire plays in addiction. Zoey is a member of the
Minorities and Philosophy (MaP) chapter at the Graduate Center, and they help to run
an ongoing workshop series on pedagogy and diversity. In their spare time, Zoey writes
music and draws comics.
Erin Lilli is a PhD candidate at the Graduate Center, CUNY studying Environmental Psychology
and teaches in the Urban Studies department at Queens College. Erin is originally
from Pennsylvania but did most of her growing up in Texas where she earned a degree
in environmental design at Texas A&M before moving to Minneapolis for an M. Arch and
MS. Arch at the University of Minnesota. Erin’s dissertation research examines everyday
resistance to gentrification in Crown Heights through a framework of racial capitalism.
She is using mixed methods, including residential oral histories, to understand what
the ubiquitous term gentrification means for Crown Heights and contextualize this
process as part of an ongoing and overtly racist mode of production.
Elizaveta Lyulekina PhD candidate in French, The Graduate Center, CUNY M.A., French, Brooklyn College, CUNY B.A., Philosophy, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Languages: English, French, Russian
Elizaveta Lyulekina is a PhD candidate in French. She is working on a dissertation
on French Renaissance poetry. Her general research interests include French Renaissance
poetry, intertextuality in French Renaissance literature, Renaissance literary genres,
Petrarch’s Latin writings and their reception in Renaissance France. Her articles
on Pernette Du Guillet, the Délie, the Saulsaye, and the Microcosme of Maurice Scève
have been published in the volume French Writing and Culture in the Renaissance of
the digital scholarly database The Literary Encyclopedia. Elizaveta has given talks
and presented papers on Renaissance literature at several conferences including the
Atelier franco-américain at Sorbonne University, the RSA Conference, the Sixteenth
Century Society Conference and the ACMRS Conference. She currently teaches French
at Baruch College.
Shaun Lin is pursuing a Ph.D in geography at the CUNY Graduate Center, where his research interests
include immigrant communities, food and foodways, and abolition geography. He is an
adjunct lecturer in Urban Studies at Queens College. Originally from Los Angeles,
Shaun is a longtime resident of Sunset Park, Brooklyn where he organizes with Sunset
Park for a Liberated Future (SPLF), Protect 8th Avenue Coalition, and No New Jails
NYC against gentrification, displacement, policing and prisons