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KCC Clubs
Kingsborough Community College Clubs
What's got Madison Square Garden, Broadway, Jack LaLanne and Radio City Music Hall all rolled into one? Kingsborough!
For your Student Activities Fee you get: Dances, Sports (basketball, baseball, soccer), Fitness (swimming, Nautilus), Concerts, Lectures and first-run videos.
Do you remember how much your high school graduation including your cap and gown, the ceremony, and yearbook cost? Was it $50, $100, $150 or more? When you graduate from K.C.C., your Student Activities Fee pays for ALL those things plus lots more.
The Kingsborough Student Government, supported by funds from the Student Activities Fee, makes meaningful decisions about matters that concern YOU! Its role is to conduct student activities, and represent student interests on issues which directly affect YOU: decisions concerning courses and degree requirements, tuition, financial aid lobbying, and activities such as child care funding, facilities for students with disabilities and more.
The Student Activities Fee supports Scepter, the College newspaper, WKRB, an FM radio station serving all of Brooklyn, and Odyssey, the yearbook. Who benefits?
Students who write, report, play records, operate the equipment, read and hear about
important college events and activities, and whose pictures and names appear in the
The Student Activities Fee helps support nearly 85 different clubs ranging from academic to social, ethnic, religious or special interest. Hundreds
of students plan events for thousands of their fellow students. You don't have to
join, you can attend most events free of charge.
A variety of programs were designed to make your journey through Kingsborough easier and more successful. These include: the Orientation Program; the leadership training program for Peer Advisors; Student Government; Career Programs like the resume writing workshops; Career Days; and Transfer Days. All these and more are supported by the Student Activities Fee. Each offers something special to each student.
- Your Student Acitivities Fee is used to support only those activities in which students are involved.
- Your Student Activities Fee supports all clubs, student government, the college newspaper, literary magazine, FM radio station and more.
- Your Student Activities Fee helps pay for lectures, art exhibits, music, cultural and ethnic programs, most of which are presented free of charge.
- Your Student Activities Fee pays your graduation fees-no extra charge for cap and gown, yearbook, invitations, ceremony, program or reception.
- Your Student Activities Fee pays for accident insurance while you are on campus and participating in college activities.
- Your Student Activities Fee pays for recreation hours available to all day and evening students in the gym, game room and TV room.
- These are just some of the benefits of your student activities fee.
Kingsborough is a special place and Kingsborough students are special too. It isn't only the beautiful, modern buildings set on an outstanding site that makes Kingsborough so special. It's the tone, the atmosphere and the cordiality created by students, faculty and administrators all working together that makes K.C.C. unique. Activities and programs sponsored and supported by your Student Activities Fee add to the positive tone and the warm feeling which makes the College, and you, a K.C.C. student, so special.