CUNYfirst Information for Students
Enrollment (Registration process in CUNYfirst):
Quick Card: Student Self-Service Enrollment is a brief how-to guide for: viewing your
Enrollment Appointments, holds, the Course Catalog, and the Schedule of Classes; adding
classes to your shopping cart; and enrolling and swapping classes.
For more details about using the enrollment shopping cart click:
CUNYfirst Registration Campus Map

Important Information:
- Enrollment dates- are dates students can enroll in (register for) classes for a term. These dates
are student-specific and may vary from other students enrollment dates. Please make
note of your enrollment start and end dates and times.
- Enrollment Shopping Cart - is a CUNYfirst registration feature for students to temporarily save classes before
their enrollment date. Classes in a student's shopping cart remain there throughout
the term, until the student either officially enrolls in the class(es) or deletes the class(es) from their Shopping Cart.
Note: Putting classes in your Shopping Cart DOES NOT officially enroll you in those classes. Shopping Cart is only a tool to help you
plan a schedule. You MUST officially enroll in your classes.
Holds - are negative service indicators that appear in the Student Center. Students must
be sure to clear any holds on their account so that they are eligible to enroll in