Residency Information
Qualifying for the Community College Resident Tuition Rate
A community college student qualifies for the resident tuition rate if he/she is a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or in a qualifying immigration status and meets both of the following two conditions:
(1) Continuously maintained his/her principal place of abode in the State of New York for a period of at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes. A student who has attended a high school in New York City or State for the two semesters immediately prior to the first day of classes, satisfies this condition, and either (2) (a) or (2) (b)
(2)(a) Continuously maintained his/her principal place of abode in the City of New York for at least the last six months immediately preceding the first day of classes. A student who has attended a high school in New York City in the semester immediately prior to the first day of classes, satisfies this condition, or
(2) (b) presents a valid certificate of residence
to the CUNY community college from his/her home (New York State) county.
* Some students may also be entitled to pay the resident rate because they attended a high school or received a GED in New York State.
** If you meet the above criteria please print and fill out the below application and return it to The Office of Admission Services Room (V-100) with all Documents proving the above..
Instruction for Residency Application