New Full-Time Faculty for Fall 2023

Deborah Durbin
Doctoral Lecturer | Chemistry
We are happy to introduce Dr. Deborah J. Durbin, our newest doctoral lecturer in the physical sciences department. With an enthusiasm for chemistry and a rich teaching background that includes appointments at the Royal Military College of Canada, Paul Smith's College, Trent University, Farmingdale State College, Barnard College of Columbia University, and Cornell University, she brings a wealth of experience to KCC.
Deborah moved to NYC from Kingston, Ontario, Canada, three years ago. She holds an Honors Bachelor of Science from McMaster University and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Royal Military College of Canada.
She is also a computational chemistry researcher. During her graduate years at the Royal Military College of Canada, she delved into the innovative use of carbon nanomaterials for hydrogen gas purification and storage, a crucial advancement for the development of fuel cell vehicles. Her most cited publication, “Review of hydrogen storage techniques for on board vehicle applications” (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (34), 14595-14617), boasting over 800 citations, underscores the significance of her contributions to the field. Her scientific journey has since evolved to investigate environmentally friendly methods for producing vanillin, a key component of vanilla.
As a recipient of the 2023 Award of Excellence for Innovative Pedagogy at Farmingdale State College, her commitment to engaging and impactful teaching is evident. Here at KCC, she's eagerly looking forward to sharing her passion for chemistry and scientific literacy with a new group of students.
Beyond her academic accomplishments, Deborah's impact extends to the waters. She founded and directed the King Wolf Swim, an open-water swim event spanning 5 km of Lake Ontario in Kingston, Ontario. While the swim now boasts a new race director, her legacy in creating and continuing community tradition remains. We think it’s kismet that she now gets to call our campus – which is hugged by water on three sides – home!