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About Honors

The Kingsborough Honors Program offers a challenging and rewarding educational experience for academically-minded students. The program provides a platform for students to explore their scholarly interests through honors-level academic work open only to honors students. Honors work emphasizes independent research, critical thinking, and analytical writing and argumentation skills. Honors work may be transferable to a variety of four-year colleges and universities as well as open up opportunities for selective transfer scholarships. The Honors Program strives to nurture excellence in leadership and service in addition to excellence in academics. The ultimate goal of the Honors Program is to support students as they become active and engaged citizens and scholars while building strong academic and co-curricular resumes.

Learn More & Apply

Honors Course Offerings: Spring 2025

All-Honors courses are designed to foster critical thinking, improve speaking and writing skills, and examine subject matter more deeply than a regular course. They generally do not require students to do more work; instead, these courses challenge students to work at a more sophisticated level and in a more independent manner. Courses are open to students who have a 3.20 or higher GPA and are capped at 25 or fewer students.

Students must earn a grade of B+ or higher to receive an Honors notation on their transcript. All-Honors courses are three (3) units.

To see the description of courses, please visit the Schedule of Classes website.

Honors Contract or Honors Enrichment

Class Name

Class Number / Section

Mode of Instruction

ACC 1100 - Fundamentals of Accounting

14809 / Sect. 02

Hybrid Asynchronous

ANT 3700 - Introduction to Anthropology

13539 / Sect. 03

In Person

ANT 3700 - Introduction to Anthropology

13545 / Sect. 12

Online Synchronous

ART 4300 - Digital Illustration

14574 / Sect. 01

In Person

ART 4800 - The Art of 3D Animation

14564 / Sect. 01

In Person

ART 6800 - Illustration

13948 / Sect. 01

Online Mix

ART 6800 - Illustration

14571 / Sect. 02

In Person

ART 6900 - Illustration Style

13927 / Sect. 01

In Person

ART 7400 - Typography

13589 / Sect. 01

In Person

ART 7400 - Typography

13590 / Sect. 02

In Person

BA 1200 - Business Law I

13368 / Sect. 02

Hybrid Asynchronous

BA 1200 - Business Law I

13369 / Sect. 04

Hybrid Asynchronous

BA 1400 - Principles of Marketing

13344 / Sect. 04

Online Asynchronous

BA 6000 - Intro Comp Concepts

13352 / Sect. 02

Online Asynchronous

BA 6000 - Intro Comp Concepts

13354 / Sect. 03

Online Asynchronous

CRJ 6400 - Crime and Punishment

13566 / Sect. 03

Hybrid Asynchronous

CRJ 6600 - Constitutional Law

37184 / Sect. 04

Hybrid Asynchronous

CRJ 6700 - The United States Judiciary

13556 / Sect. 01

Hybrid Asynchronous

CRJ 7000 - Corrections and Sentencing

13582 / Sect. S50


CRJ 7200 - Minorities & Crmnl Justice Sys

13553 / Sect. S50

Online Asynchronous

ECO 1200 - Macroeconomics

14832 / Sect. 02

Hybrid Asynchronous

ECO 1200 - Macroeconomics

14827 / Sect. 03

Hybrid Asynchronous

ECO 1200 - Macroeconomics

14823 / Sect. 04

Online Asynchronous

ECO 1200 - Macroeconomics

14825 / Sect. 05

Online Asynchronous

EDC 2400 - Teaching Emergent Bilinguals

14519 / Sect. 01

In Person

EDC 3100 - Social Science In Child Ed

13465 / Sect. 01

In Person

EDC 90A4 - Practicum In Teacher Dev

13521 / Sect. 02


EDC 90A4 - Practicum In Teacher Dev

13789 / Sect. 03


EDC 90A4 - Practicum In Teacher Dev

13788 / Sect. 04


HE 3800 - Women's Health Issues

13095 / Sect. 01

Online Asynchronous

HE 4200 - Health and Nutrition

13881 / Sect. 01

Online Asynchronous

HPE 1200 - Concepts of Wellness

13102 / Sect. 03

In Person

HPE 1200 - Concepts of Wellness

13100 / Sect. 05

Online Asynchronous

HS 4000 - Drugs:The Individual & Society

13885 / Sect. 01

Online Asynchronous

HS 4100 - Global Health Issues

13730 / Sect. 02

Online Asynchronous

HS 5200 - Human Sexuality

13889 / Sect. 01

Online Asynchronous

HS 5200 - Human Sexuality

13119 / Sect. 02

Online Asynchronous

RPE 1100 - Intro to Rec & Physical Ed

13086 / Sect. 01

In Person

RPE 1100 - Intro to Rec & Physical Ed

13085 / Sect. 02

Hybrid Asynchronous

RPE 1200 - Leadership in Recreation & PE

13076 / Sect. 01

Hybrid Asynchronous

RPE 1200 - Leadership in Recreation & PE

13077 / Sect. 02

In Person

RPE 3100 - Thrptc Rec Dis I

13108 / Sect. 01

In Person

RPE 9152 - Field Exp PE/Rec/Rec Ther/Spt

13790 / Sect. 01


SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13482 / Sect. 03

In Person

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13480 / Sect. 06

Hybrid Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13508 / Sect. 11

Hybrid Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13506 / Sect. 15

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13505 / Sect. 16

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13503 / Sect. 19

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13499 / Sect. 24

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13497 / Sect. 26

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13470 / Sect. 36

Hybrid Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13486 / Sect. S50

In Person

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13468 /Sect. S52

In Person

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13481 / Sect. S55

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13478 / Sect. S56

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3100 - Introduction to Sociology

13477 / Sect. S59

Online Asynchronous

SOC 3200 - Urban Sociology

13519 / Sect. 01

Hybrid Asynchronous




Attention: Honors Program students and faculty must:

Identify the applicable honors experience, complete the requisite information, and submit the form by the last Friday of the first month of each semester.

Please submit honors project grade(s) and a copy of your student(s) completed honors work via the Faculty Grade Form. Honors project grades and projects are due by the end of the final examination period of each semester.

Faculty must submit a representative of the student’s honors work. This might be the best part of the project or the part of the project that presented the most challenges for the student - whatever you deem the best representation of the student’s honors experience.

Please note: The Honors Program collects honors work so that we can support the college in assessing the Honors Program.
This data collection is necessary to improve the Honors Program’s best practices. It is not to assess any individual faculty member or honors student.


Academic Integrity Policy:

The Kingsborough Honors Program expects commitment to academic integrity standards from all Honors Program students in all academic work. Academic integrity violations include academic dishonesty, cheating, acts of plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, or misrepresentation such as the following:

  • Claiming the work or thoughts of others as your own
  • Copying the writing of others into your written work without appropriate citations
  • Buying papers and turning them in as your own
  • Having someone else write or create all or part of the content of your assignments
  • Fabricating and/or altering documents and/or information written by others, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools
  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, including AI grammar checkers, without proper citation and outside of the explicit directions of your instructor

Academic integrity violations are a serious matter and may result in the following honors violations:

  • An Honors Program student being placed on honors probation
  • An Honors Program student being dismissed from the Honors Program.
Getting Started with Honors: Best Practices (coming soon)
Honors Program Statement for Syllabi
Honors Program / Honors Credit

If you are interested in completing an Honors Contract (HC) or Honors Enrichment Component (HEC), please discuss your intentions with your professor.

Who is eligible to complete an Honors Project?

  • All admitted Honors Program students are eligible to complete an Honors Contract or HEC.
  • Honors-eligible students must have: i) 3.2 GPA, ii) 12+ cumulative credits, and iii) B+ or higher in ENG 1200/ENG 12A0 and/or ENG 2400 to complete an honors experience.

Students who do not meet this criteria but wish to complete an honors project should reach out to the Honors Program at

Faculty Grade Form

Complete the requisite information and submit your student's honors grade and project.

Honors project grade(s) and a copy of your student(s) completed honor work are due by the end of the final examination period of each semester.

Please Note:

  • It takes 6-8 weeks before the honors notation is visible on the student's transcript.
  • Students can only earn honors credit for either an Honors Enrichment Component (HEC), Honors Contract (HC), or Honors Service Project (HSP).

If you have any questions regarding this grade form, please contact the Honors Program.

Faculty Recommendation

The Honors Program at Kingsborough Community College works to promote enhanced academic opportunities and scholarly experiences for Kingsborough students. Faculty recommendations are an essential part of that process and an essential part of supporting Kingsborough's highest achieving students. We depend on faculty to help us identify Honors Program candidates, to encourage students to apply, and to serve as academic mentors for Honors Program scholars as they work on honors experiences in the classroom, and progress toward Honors graduation, transfer, and beyond.

Please use the link to answer the following questions about the Honors Program candidate to best of your knowledge. The best recommendations give us a sense of the candidate's scholarly goals and abilities and convey their overall academic character with an eye toward both their successes and failures. We thank you for your thoughtful consideration!

Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester!

Please join us for the following Honors Program events this spring:

  • Macaulay Friedman Transfer Scholars Information Session - March 6th - Virtual Event - Register Here
  • NYU CCTOP Transfer Information Virtual Information Sessions - March 8th, April 9th, and May 7th - Register Here
  • Columbia University School of General Studies Transfer Session - March 19th - Honors Lounge, M378 - 3-4 PM
  • Honors Program Orientation - April 7th - Honors Lounge, M378 - 3-4 PM
  • Phi Theta Kappa General Assembly Meeting - Welcome to New Members + PTK Honors In Action Project, "The Power of Stories" - April 9th - Honors Lounge, M378 - 3-4 PM
  • Phi Theta Kappa General Assembly Meeting - PTK Honors In Action Planning Meeting - April 23rd - Honors Lounge, M378 - 3-4 PM
  • Phi Theta Kappa General Assembly Meeting - New Inductees Orientation + PTK Honors In Action Check-In - May 21st - U219 - 3-4 PM
  • Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony - May 21st - U219, 4-6 PM
  • Honors Community End-of-Term Luncheon + Honors Project Showcase - June 2nd - Honors Lounge, M378 - 3-4 PM

Honors Lounge

The Honors Lounge is open to all Honors Program Students and PTK Members!

Location: The Honors Lounge, Room M-378
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 9:00AM – 2:00PM

If you need a quiet place to study or complete assignments, please feel free to come by.
Please note: There are no computers or printers available for student use.