
William Winter
Behavioral Sciences
- (718) 368-5649
- D-301, D Cluster
Born and raised in Brooklyn – privileged to teach here.
Psy 11 (Intro psych)
Psy 34 (Personality psych)
B.A. Brooklyn College, Psychology, 1989
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, Graduate School and University Center of CUNY, 1995
College Teaching
Kingsborough 1998 to Present
Brooklyn College: 1990 -1995
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
Winter, B. & Reber, A.S. (1994). Implicit learning and natural language acquisition. N. Ellis (Ed.). Implicit and explicit learning of languages. London. Academic Press.
Winter, W.E., Broman, M., Rose, A.L., Reber, A.S. (2001). The assessment of cognitive procedural learning in amnesia. Brain and Cognition., 45. 79-96.
Winter, W.E. (2001). The uses of a skill-based activity in therapeutic induction. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 44:2, 119-126.
Winter, W.E. (2002). Acquisition of expertise on a difficult perceptual motor task by an amnesic patient. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 94, 59-67.
Winter, W.E. (2004). The performance of ESL students in a content-linked psychology course. Community Review. 18, 76- 82.
Winter, B. (2004). The two levels of commercialization in higher education, and why students should be students and not consumers. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatrics. 6 (1), 147-149.
Winter, B (2008). Towards a taxonomy of theories. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Institute for the teaching of Psychology.
Winter, B. (2009). Gender related attitudes towards achievement in college. Community College Enterprise. 15, 1. 83-92.
Research Interests
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Positive Psychology
everything else
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
Association for Psychological Science, New York Academy of Science
Personal Interests
Mountain Climbing
World Music
Bass Guitar