
Tanzina Ahmed
Assc Professor
Behavioral Sciences
- (718) 368-6752
- M-311, Marine and Academic Center
Tanzina Ahmed is an assistant professor at Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York (CUNY). She graduated from the Developmental Psychology program at The University and Graduate Center of CUNY in Fall 2017 and served as an adjunct assistant professor and full-time substitute lecturer at Bronx Community College, CUNY, from Spring 2011 to Spring 2018. In the 2019 to 2020 academic year, she was a fellow within the CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication program. She also was awarded grants from Kingsborough Community College, the Professional Staff Congress of CUNY, and the CUNY Research Foundation during the 2019 – 2020, 2020 – 2021, and 2021 – 2022 academic years for her research on food insecurity and related activism among urban college students.
PSY 1100 – Introduction to Psychology
PSY 3200 – Human Development
PSY Special – Research Seminar on Food
Ph.D., Psychology – Concentration: Developmental Psychology - 2017
The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Dissertation: Narrating the Future: Understanding How Student Narratives Relate to Outcomes in Community College
Dissertation Committee Chair: Dr. Colette Daiute Committee: Drs. Jacob Shane, Herbert Saltzstein, Joseph Glick, Stefan Bosworth
M.Phil., Psychology - 2015
The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Thesis: The Transference of Parent and Friend Attachment Security in Emerging Adulthood Thesis
Committee Chair: Dr. Claudia Brumbaugh B.A., Psychology
B.A., Psychology - 2006
Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Thesis: Couple’s Discussions of Safer Sex Practices and the Impact of Mood
Thesis Adviser: Dr. Jason Young
College Teaching
Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences - Kingsborough Community College - 2018 – Present
Substitute Lecturer, Social Science s– Bronx Community College CUNY - 2010 – 2018
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Sciences – Bronx Community College CUNY - 2010 – 2018
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., Clarke, A.*, & Wong, H. Y*. (2021). Impact of a student-led food insecurity intervention on diverse community college students. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Advance online publication.
*Note: The asterisk marks undergraduate or graduate student researchers.
Ahmed, T. (2021). “Helping me learn new things every day”: The power of community college students’ writing across genres. Written Communication, 38(1), 31 – 76.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., & Yan, A.* (2019). Values analysis within narratives: In the context of food insecure students in community college. SAGE Research Methods Datasets. doi: 10.4135/9781526493798
Ilieva, R. T., Ahmed, T., & Yan, A.* (2019). Hungry minds: Investigating the food insecurity of minority community college students. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(3). doi: 10.1002/pa.1891
Ahmed, T. (2018). Evaluating how community college students’ understanding of success influences outcomes using a mixed-methods research design. SAGE Research Methods Cases. doi: 10.4135/9781526439918
Ahmed, T., & Brumbaugh, C.C. (2014). One foot out of the nest: How parents and friends influence attachment security in emerging adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 21, 147-158. doi: 10.1007/s10804-014-9187-9
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Ahmed, T. (2020). Communities twice over: Fostering research skills and civic engagement among community college students. How We Teach Now: The GSTA Guide to Transformative Teaching. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website:
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings & Other Publications
Ahmed, T. (2020). Food for thought: Exploring food insecurity and activism among community college students. In Eversley S., & Brim, M. (Eds.), CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program 2019 - 2020 (pp. 14). CUNY Office of Recruitment and Diversity.
Naveed, T.*, Rivera, D.*, Clarke, A.*, Wong, H. Y.*, Ahmed, T., Ullauri, G., Ilieva, R. T. (2020) Playing with our food: Using games to raise students’ awareness of food insecurity. In Duncan, R.O., Bisz, J., Boyle, C., Offenholley, K., Smale, M., Stallard, C., & Sturm, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the CUNY games conference 6.0 (pp. 14). CUNY Academic Works.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ahmed, T. (2020, April). A student’s guide to guide to resources at Kingsborough Community College on Spring 2020 [Brochure]. Brooklyn, NY: Kingsborough Community College.
Ahmed, T., King, V., & Varghese, M. (2020, April). A student’s guide to resources at CUNY Bronx Community College for Spring 2020 [Brochure]. Bronx, NY: Bronx Community College.
Clarke, A.*, Naveed, T.*, Rivera, D.*, Williams, S.*, Wong, H. Y.*, Ahmed, T., & Ullauri, G. (2019, September). A student’s guide to food programs at Kingsborough Community College [Brochure]. Brooklyn, NY: Kingsborough Community College.
Ilieva, R. T., & Ahmed, T. (2018, March). Hunger and food insecurity in the community college foodscape: The need for a holistic approach to research and action. News from the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute. Retrieved from
Ahmed, T. (2017, October). Being Betsy DeVos: Bringing politics into the study of developmental psychology. The Graduate Student Teaching Association Blog. Retrieved from
Selected Symposiums, Invited Talks, and Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
Clarke, A.*, Naveed, T.*, Rivera, D.*, Williams, S.*, Wong, H. Y.*, Ahmed, T., Ullauri, G., & Ilieva, R. T. (2019, November). Investigating Food Insecurity at Kingsborough Community College. Student-lead symposium at the Food Day conference, hosted by the Diversity Symposium Week of Kingsborough Community College: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T. (chair, 2019, March). Youth and Inequality. Developmental symposium conducted at the annual Conference of the Eastern Psychological Association: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., & Yan, A.* (2019, March). Hunger in the Land of Plenty: Food Insecurity within a Community College in the Bronx. Symposium in the Department of Psychology at CUNY Lehman College: Bronx, NY.
Ahmed, T., & Ilieva, R. T. (2018, October). How Do We Deal with Hunger?: Training Students and Community Experts to Review Food Insecurity in the Bronx. Workshop conducted at the annual Wake Up! Critical Pedagogy for Critical Times Conference: Newark, NJ.
Ahmed, T., Chu, C.*, Wong, H. Y.*, Reader, S., Shane, J., Ilieva, R. T., & Aleong, C. (2021, March). The Link between Students’ Housing and Food Insecurity at Kingsborough Community College. Invited talk for the UnHomeless NYC: Transformative Public Humanities Exhibition Research and Information Session: Digital meeting.
Ahmed, T., Wong, H. Y.*, Chu, C.*, Ilieva, R. T.*, Shane, J., Reader, S., & Aleong, C. (2021, January). “College Students are Struggling”: Investigating Students’ Experiences with Food Insecurity at Kingsborough Community College. Invited talk for the Kingsborough Behavioral Science and Human Services Department Research Brownbag Series: Digital meeting.
Rivera, D.*, Clarke, A.*, Naveed, T.*, Williams, S.*, Wong, H. Y.*, Ahmed, T., Ullauri, G., & Ilieva, R. T. (2019, November). Leave No Plate Empty: Fighting Food Insecurity Within Our Communities. Invited talk and activities session for the Service-Learning Project After-school Program of Public School 172 Beacon School of Excellence: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T. (2019, November). Hungry for Justice: Pursuing Fair Food Landscapes in Community College. Keynote speech for the Diversity Symposium Week of Kingsborough Community College: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T. (2019, September). Supporting Food Equity and Related Programs within the City University of New York. Invited Testimony for the New York City Council Hearing on Resolutions 1042 and 1046: Growing Food Equity in New York City: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., & Yan, A.* (2019, February). Food Insecure Students and Supportive Food Programs within Kingsborough Community College and the City University of New York. Invited Testimony for the New York City Council Hearing on Oversight: Reducing Food Insecurity within New York City: New York, NY.
Wong, H. Y.*, Clarke, A.*, Rivera, D.*, Williams, S.*, Naveed, T.*, Ahmed, T., Ullauri, G., & Ilieva, R. T. (2021, May). Combating Silence and Starting Conversation about Food Insecurity at Kingsborough Community College. Talk presented at the 5th biennial meeting of the CUNY Language, Society and Culture conference: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T. (2021, May). Writing Your Story: Genres as Tools for Communication and Development in Community College. Talk presented at the 5th biennial meeting of the CUNY Language, Society and Culture conference: Brooklyn, NY.
Stortz, S.*, Amada, N.*, Ahmed, T., & Shane, J. (2021, May). A Narrative Analysis of Youth’s Writing on Status and Opportunity in American Society. Talk presented at the 5th biennial meeting of the CUNY Language, Society and Culture conference: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T., Chu, C.*, Wong, H. Y.,* Ilieva, R. T., Shane, J., Aleong, C., Reader, S. (2021, March). “College Students are Struggling”: Investigating Students’ Narrated Experiences of Food Insecurity across Two Community College Campuses. Talk presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association: Virtual Meeting.
Ladyzhensky, P.*, Shane, J., & Ahmed, T. (2020, October). How Does Relative SES Inform Our Implicit Achievement Motivation? Talk presented at the annual meeting of the New England Psychological Association: Virtual Meeting.
Wong, H. Y.*, Rivera, D.*, Clarke, A.*, Naveed, T.*, Williams, S.*, Ahmed, T., Ullauri, G., & Ilieva, R. T. (2020, January). Playing With Our Food: Using Games to Raise Students’ Awareness of Campus Food Insecurity. Talk presented at the annual conference of the CUNY Games Network: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T. (2019, May). Food Insecurity in Community Colleges. Talk presented at the Spring Faculty Forum of Kingsborough Community College: Brooklyn: NY.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., Izaguirre, C., Ullauri, G., & Stansberry, M. (2019, May). Communities Twice Over: Fostering Civic Engagement among Urban College Students. Talk presented at the annual conference of the Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) program of the City University of New York: Brooklyn, NY.
Ahmed, T., Shane, J., Amada, N.*, & Stortz, S.* (2019, March). “I Am Still Unsure”: How Youth Navigate Status in American Society. Talk presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., & Yan, A.* (2019, March). Hungry for Change: Investigating Food Insecurity at an Urban Community College. Talk presented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T. (2018, November). Narrating Injustice in an Urban Community College. Talk presented at the 30th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, Fordham University: New York, NY.
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., & Yan, A.* (2018, November). Broken Foodscapes: Food Access in Community College. Talk presented at the 30th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, Fordham University: New York, NY.
Research Interests
My research combines developmental and health psychology and utilizes narratives, surveys, and institutional data to examine how people’s perspectives connect with their wellbeing across various contexts. I explore the development of diverse community college students, college students’ food insecurity, and young people’s self-regulation in response to social status comparisons. I seek to advance psychology’s understanding of how underrepresented people shape their development, even as they grapple with being socially and economically disadvantaged within the larger culture. Ultimately, I strive to empower people who are often seen as the disadvantaged and disregarded “other.”
Awards Recognition, Distinctions, and Grants
CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program - 2019 – 2020
Project: Food for Thought: Exploring Food Insecurity and Activism among Community College Students
PSC-CUNY Research Award #64162-00 52 – Traditional A - $3,495.20 - 2021 – 2022
Project: CUNY Students’ Food Insecurity, Well-being, and Academic Progress Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Student Researchers: Anita Yan (CUNY Brooklyn College), Caitlin Chu (Carleton College), Ho Yan Wong (CUNY Kingsborough Community College / Columbia University)
PSC-CUNY Research Award #63373-00 51 – Traditional A - $2,900.12 - 2020 – 2021
Project: Investigating Food Support Programs and Campus Interventions in Community College
Student Researchers: Caitlin Chu (Carleton College), Ho Yan Wong (CUNY Kingsborough Community College / Columbia University)
Kingsborough Faculty Innovation Award - $3,875.00 -2019 – 2020
Project: Assessing the Impact of Urban Food Security Programs on Kingsborough’s Students with Student Researchers
Student Researchers (All from Kingsborough Community College): Amadella Clarke, Destiny Rivera, Ho Yan Wong, Saniah Williams, Talha Naveed
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
American Psychological Association
Eastern Psychological Association
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Personal Interests
Cooking, poetry and fiction (both reading and writing), and travel.
Related Links
Google Scholar Page:
CUNY Commons Page: