
Maria Hernandez
Assc Professor
Communications & Performing Arts
- (718) 368-5217
- E-315, E Cluster
Dr. María G. Hernandez is a Professor of Spanish Language, Film, and Literature. She holds a PhD from Boston University, an MA from University of Rhode Island, and a BA from Universidad de Alicante (Spain). She has published four books: Poéticas de la Modernidad y Posmodernidad Española: Lorca, Nietzsche y Almodóvar (2003); Estilos Decadentes, Deseos Femeninos (2004); Identidades Multiculturales: España y Latinoamérica (2005); Cartas a Arthur Cravan Desde Mexico (2008), as well as numerous articles on a wide variety of topics related to literary and cinematic representations in Spain and Latin America, mainly colonial, postcolonial, modern and postmodern periods. These have been published in Romance Notes, Romance Review, Cuadernos ALDEUU, and Lenguaje y Textos, among others. Dr. Hernández has presented numerous papers at congresses and conferences around the world (Columbia University, Hofstra University, Boston College, University of West Georgia, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, The University of Kansas, West Virginia University, University of Murcia, etc.) She taught at Columbia University, New York University, Hofstra University, University of Massachusetts, Boston University, University of Salamanca, and Harvard University, where she won three consecutive “High accolades for superior teaching skills, excellence of working with students and strength of commitment to teaching” and a nomination to the prestigious Teaching Memorial Levenson Prize at Harvard University (2001- 2004). Dr Hernández is a Writing Across Curriculum Certified Professor, member of the Department P&B, The CUNY Council on Foreign Languages, The By-Laws Committee, and the Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning (KCTL) Advisory Board. Dr Hernández is also a PSC- CUNY Delegate and PSC KCC CAT Office Representative.