
Hope Parisi is Associate Professor of English and has taught at Kingsborough since 1994. She is the Academic Director of the Reading and Writing Center and the Co-Editor of Journal of Basic Writing. She served as the Chair of the English 90’s Committee for several years as the new ESL/ENG 90’s developmental English courses were being set in place. She is a positive, spirited teacher of ENG 91 where, as she believes, students bring great strengths as learners to the classroom and come to recognize their potential as college writers.
Professor Parisi is passionate about her connections to the Office of Access-Ability,
TRiO Support Services, and their students. She is the Principal Investigator of a
grant-funded project aligning TRiO services and tutors from the Reading and Writing
Center. She has written on basic writing, tutoring, and access to education.
Graduate Center (CUNY)
Ph.D. English
Columbia University
M.A. English and Comparative Literature
Fordham University
B.A. English
College Teaching
English 91
English 92
English 12
Graduate Practicum in the Teaching of College English
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
Parisi, Hope and Janine Graziano-King, "Integrating Best Practices: Learning Communities and the Writing Center," Community College Enterprise v.17, n.1 (2011): 23-39.
Colarossi, Anthony and Rachelle Maltzman, Hope Parisi, Christine Rudisel, and Tara Weiss. "Professional Development to Manage Atypical Learning Behaviors." Journal of Developmental Education 35.2 (Winter 2011).
Parisi, Hope and Lara Rodriguez, "’Why Are You Here?’ Troubling Legitimacy for Basic Writers and Their Instructors in the Community College." Open Words: Access and English Studies, Spring 2013, forthcoming.