
Emily Schnee is Professor of English at Kingsborough, where she has taught since 2008. She currently teaches Composition I and II, Short Fiction, and in the Accelerated Learning Program. Her research focuses on questions of equity and justice in community college education.
English 12 – Composition I
English 24 – Composition II
English 40 – Short Fiction
Accelerated Learning Program
Ph.D. in Urban Education, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
M.A. in International Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
B.A. in Latin American History, Tufts University
College Teaching
Kingsborough Community College, 2008 – present
Queens College, Worker Education Program, 1995 – 2005
Selected Publications
Garland, Libby and Emily Schnee. “Classrooms Filled with Stories: Writing Immigrant Narratives in the Age of Trump.” Justice and Equity through the Immigrant Story. Edited by Danizete Martinez, Heather Ostman, & Howard Tinberg. Utah State UP, 2021.
Schnee, Emily, and Liesl Schwabe. “We Miss English Class.” Teachers College Record, June 26, 2020.
Schnee, Emily. Review of Changemakers! Practitioners Advance Equity and Access in Out-of-School Time Programs by Sara Hill and Femi Vance. School Community Journal, 30.1, 2020, 303-306.
Schnee, Emily. “Teaching Note: Reading Immigration with The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez.” Radical Teacher 110, 2018, 68 – 70.
Schnee, Emily. Review of Schooltalk: Rethinking What We Say About – and to – Students Every Day by Mica Pollock. Radical Teacher 110, 2018, 58 – 60.
Schnee, Emily. “Reading across the Curriculum at an Urban Community College: Student and Faculty Perspectives on Reading.” Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 2017.
Schnee, Emily, Alison Better, and Martha Clark Cummings, editors. Civic Engagement Pedagogy in the Community College: Theory and Practice. Springer, 2016.
Schnee, Emily, and Jamil Shakoor. “Self/Portrait of a Basic Writer: Broadening the Scope of Research on College Remediation.” Journal of Basic Writing 35.1, 2016, 44-73.
Kimball, Elizabeth, Emily Schnee and Liesl Schwabe. “Writing the Personal in an Outcomes-Based World.” Composition Studies 43.2, 2015, 113-31.
Schnee, Emily. “’A Foundation for Something Bigger’ – Community College Students' Experience of Remediation in the Context of a Learning Community." Community College Review 42.3, 2014, 242-61.
McCormack, Tim, Emily Schnee, and Jason VanOra. “Researching Up: Triangulating Qualitative Research to Influence the Public Debate of ‘On-Time’ College Graduation.” Teachers College Record 116.4, 2014.
Grants & Awards
Recipient of five PSC/CUNY grants, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2020.
Recipient of CUNY Collaborative Pedagogical Research Grant, 2019.
Recipient of CUNY Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, 2015.
Participant in CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program, 2013.
Recipient of Kingsborough Faculty Innovation Award, 2010.