
Dr. Elizabeth Dill joined Kingsborough Community College’s Department of English in the fall of 2003. Before that, she taught writing and literature courses at Alfred University and at Truckee Meadows Community College. Her areas of interest include early American literature, sensational literature, gay and lesbian literature, and writing pedagogy.
English 92: Developmental Reading and Writing
English 93: Developmental Writing
English 12: Freshman Composition
English 30: Introduction to Literature
English 40: The Short Story
English 67: Women and Literature
English 68: Gothic and Horror Fiction
English 77: Early Black Literature
Wells College | B.A., English | May 1994 |
SUNY Buffalo | Ph.D., English | January 2000 |
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
“James’s Gothic in The Turn of the Screw.” The Explicator, 69.2 (April-June 2011): 64-67.
“Angel of the House, Ghost of the Commune: Zenobia as Sentimental Woman in The Blithedale Romance.” Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, 37.1 (Spring 2011): 62-87.
“That Damned Mob of Scribbling Siblings: The American Romance as Anti-Novel in The Power of Sympathyand Pierre,” American Literature, 80.4 (2008): 1-50.
Death Becomes Her: Cultural Narratives of Women and Death in Nineteenth-Century America. Co-Editor. New Castle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008.
“The Reincarnation of the Sentimental Woman In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Pink and White Tyranny.” Death Becomes Her: Cultural Narratives of Women and Death in Nineteenth-Century America. New Castle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008.
“A Mob of Lusty Villagers: Operations of Domestic Desires in Hannah Webster Foster’s The Coquette.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Volume 15, Number 2, January 2003, 255-279.
“The Republican Stepmother: Revolution and Sensibility in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland.” The Eighteenth-Century Novel, Volume 2, 2002, 273-303.
“Mary Louise Kete’s Sentimental Collaborations: Mourning and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century America,” Rocky Mountain MLA Review, Spring 2002.
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants
KCC Faculty Achievement Recognition Award, Fall 2010.
President’s Faculty Innovation Award, “Empowering the Black Student in the Multi-Cultural Classroom,” Co-Recipient Spring 2010.
KCC Faculty Achievement Recognition Award, Fall 2009.
National Two-Year College English Association Northeast (TYCA-NE) Outstanding Programs in English Award, Co-Recipient, “Fostering Best Practices for Basic Writing Teachers,” Spring 2009.
PSC CUNY Grant, Fall 2007 “The Nonconformist Slave: Harriet Jacobs and the Selfhoods of American Identity.”
PSC CUNY Grant, Summer 2003 "The Feminine and the Martyr in Hawthorne’s The Blithedale Romance."
National Endowment for the Humanities: Seminar Member, Cultural Stress from Reformation to Revolution, 2003.
Kruson Award for Excellence in Teaching, Alfred University, 2003.