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Denise Farrelly

Asst Professor

Behavioral Sciences


Denise Farrelly, Ed.D., is an Associate Professor and Director of the Education Program at Kingsborough Community College.  She has served as Course Coordinator for the Humanities/Children’s Literature courses and currently coordinates the Social Sciences in Education courses. Prior to joining Kingsborough’s faculty, Denise worked with early childhood and elementary students as a teacher and literacy consultant in culturally, linguistically and economically diverse classrooms in New York City public schools.


EDC 2000: Social Foundations of Education

EDC 2100: Social Sciences in Education

EDC 3100: Social Sciences in Childhood Education

EDC 2200: Art Workshop in Education

EDC 90A4: Practicum in Teacher Development

HUM 81/200: Early Literacy and Young Children’s Literature


EdD, Curriculum and Insruction, Capella University

MS, Childhood Education, CUNY College of Staten Island

Advanced Certificate, Gifted Education, SUNY University of Buffalo

BS, Early Childhood and Elementary Education, New York University

College Teaching

CUNY Kingsborough

Education Program 2011-present

Research Interests

Her research is centered on best practices in the use of ePortfolios as tools for reflection and professional development within Teacher Education.  Additional areas of interest include cultural competence and civic engagement.