
Debra Schultz
Assc Professor
History-Philosophy & Political Science
- (718) 368-5607
- M-115, Marine and Academic Center
Debra Schultz, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of History at Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, where she teaches US, women’s, and modern European History. She also leads the Brooklyn Public Scholars Project and is a Teagle Foundation Fellow in Civic Engagement. She is the author of Going South: Jewish Women in The Civil Rights Movement (New York University Press).
A founder of the Soros Foundation’s International Women’s Program, she served for ten years as its Director of Programs. Her international human rights work includes post-conflict transitional justice issues and gender justice. Her research interests focus on the politics of memory for social change movements, particularly intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and memory.
She has also taught history and women’s studies at the New School, Rutgers University,
and Laguardia Community College.
History 59: Modern America from 1920s to the Present
History 65: The Civil Rights Movement and the Movements It Inspired
History 66: Women in the Social Sciences
History 68: American Women’s History
History 31: Modern European History
History 36: 20th Century European History
The Union Institute
Doctor of Philosophy (History)
CUNY Graduate Center
Master of Arts (History)
New York University
Bachelor of Arts (History)
College Teaching
CUNY Kingsborough, History, (2012-present)
CUNY Laguardia, History (2008)
Rutgers University, The History of Black-Jewish Relations, (1999)
The New School, Multicultural Women’s History, (1998)
Selected Publications and/or Other Resource
Debra L. Schultz, Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement (New York University Press, 2001). Paperback, 2002.
Debra L. Schultz, Disrupting the Dream: Teaching Civil Rights History in Civic Engagement in the Community College Springer Publishing, 2015. This volume of essays by participants in KCC’s Brooklyn Public Scholars Project may be the first of its kind to address civic engagement by community college faculty.
Debra L. Schultz, Triple Challenge: Romani Women’s Lives in Contemporary Europe, Women’s Lives Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia. Volume 4: Europe, forthcoming, ABC-Clio Greenwood Press, 2017.
Debra L. Schultz, Translating Intersectionality Theory into Practice: A Tale of Roma-Gadze Alliance, SIGNS: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 38, no. 1, Autumn 2012.
Debra L. Schultz, Preface to Knocking On: Mothers and Daughters in Struggle in South Africa(Capetown, South Africa: Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2008).
Debra L. Schultz, An Intersectional Feminism of Their Own: Creating European Romani Women’s Activism, Identities: a Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Spring 2006, special issue funded by the European Union.
Debra L. Schultz, Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement, in Pamela Nadell, ed., American
Jewish Women’s History Reader (New York University Press, 2003).
Research Interests
Public Memory of Social Movements
Racialization and Gender
Reckonings with the Past in Situations of Gross Human Rights Violations and Post-Conflict
The Holocaust
Gender and Transitional Justice
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants
PSC CUNY Grant, 2015, The Politics of Memory for the Civil Rights Movement
Director, Brooklyn’s Public Scholars: Civic Research & the Community-engaged Campus” a
faculty seminar funded by the Bridging Theory to Practice Project in partnership with
the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U).
Faculty Fellow, Student Learning for Civic Capacity: Stimulating Moral, Ethical and
Civic Engagement for Learning that Lasts (national demonstration project funded by
the Teagle Foundation).
Faculty participant in the NEH-funded Bridging Cultures to Form a Nation: Difference,
Community and Democratic Thinking, a multi-campus initiative focused on civic learning
through the humanities.
Wye Faculty Fellow, Aspen Institute, “Citizenship in the American and Global Polity,”
Wye River Center, Queenstown, Maryland, July 20-26, 2013.
Faculty Grant Recipient, Facing History and Ourselves, 2013-2014.
Certified in CUNY’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) methodology.
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
Organization of American Historians
American Jewish Historical Society
Berkshire Conference of Women Historians