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Carlos De Cuba

Assc Professor

Communications & Performing Arts


​Carlos de Cuba joined the Department of Communications & Performing Arts as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2017. Prior to joining Kingsborough Community College, he taught at Queens College, The University of Calgary, Pomona College and Stony Brook University. His teaching experience includes courses in Speech Communication, Linguistics and ESL, including international teaching in Canada, England, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Sweden and the US. At Kingsborough he teaches in the Speech Communication program, including Speech courses in the Accelerated College English (ACE) learning communities program. He received his PhD. in Linguistics (2007) and MA in TESOL (1999) from Stony Brook University. His primary research focus is in syntax and the syntax-semantics interface, more specifically the syntax and semantics of subordinate clauses.


SPE 11: Listening and Speaking Skills

SPE 21: Effective Public Speaking



​Ph.D. in Linguistics. Stony Brook University.


​MA in TESOL. Stony Brook University.


​RSA/Cambridge CTEFLA (Certificate for Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults). St. Giles College, Brighton, England.


BA in Political Science. SUNY College at Oswego.

College Teaching



Kingsborough CC, CUNY - Communications & Performing Arts

SPE 11: Listening and Speaking Skills (2x)

SPE 21: Effective Public Speaking (2x)


Queens College, CUNY - Linguistics & Communication Disorders

LCD 101: Introduction to Language (2x)

LCD 102: Analyzing Language (8x)

LCD 701: Introduction to Linguistics (grad, online course) (2x)

LCD 701: Introduction to Linguistics (grad, hybrid course)


University of Calgary, Canada - Linguistics, Languages & Cultures 

LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics (3x) 

LING 301: English Syntax (4x)

LING 309: Language and Power (5x)

LING 331: First Language Acquisition

LING 431: Child Language: Syntax and Morphology

LING 401: Syntactic Analysis I (4x)

LING 511-611: Syntactic Analysis II (undergrad)/Advanced Syntactic Analysis I (grad) (2x)

LING 599-631: Advanced Syntax Seminar (undergrad & grad) 


Pomona College, CA - Linguistics & Cognitive Science 

LGCS 10: Introduction to Linguistics (2x)

LGCS 105: Syntax

PSYCH/LGCS 123: Language Development (co-taught with Dr. Patricia Smiley in Psychology)

LGCS 185: Topics in Syntax


Stony Brook University, NY - Linguistics 

LIN 101: Introduction to Linguistics

LIN 200: Language in the USA

LIN 211: Syntax

LIN 426: Topics in Syntax

LIN 530: Introduction to General Linguistics (grad) (2x)

ESL 194: Academic Skills for US Residents

ESL 192: Intermediate Composition (3x)

2008 & 2010

St. Petersburg State University, Russia 

Universals of Language: An Introduction to Generative Syntax. The New York-St. Petersburg Institute of Cognitive and Cultural Studies. (Summer School, July-August) (2x)


University of Novi Sad, Serbia 

Visiting Lecturer, English Department, Faculty of Philosophy. Third and Fourth Year Undergraduate Generative Syntax Courses. (March-April) 

Selected Publications and/or Other Resources


de Cuba, Carlos. Manner-of-speaking that-complements as close apposition structures. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 3. 32:1-13. DOI:


​de Cuba, Carlos. Noun complement clauses as referential modifiers. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics. 2(1): 3. 1–46, DOI:


de Cuba, Carlos. In defense of the truncation hypothesis for main clause phenomena. Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.


​de Cuba, Carlos. On the claim that noun complements are relative clauses. LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 2014.


​de Cuba, Carlos & Jonathan E. MacDonald. Truncation in the Spanish left-periphery: fragment answers and recomplementation. LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 2014.


​de Cuba, Carlos & Jonathan E. MacDonald. Referentiality in Spanish CPs. In M. Victoria Camacho Taboada, Ángel Jiménez Fernández, Javier Martín González and Mariano Reyes Tejedor (eds.). Information Structure and Agreement. 117-140. John Benjamins. DOI: 10.1075/la.197.04cub


​de Cuba, Carlos & Jonathan E. MacDonald. On the referential status of embedded polarity answers in Spanish. In Selected Proceedings of the 16th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro, et al. (eds.). 312-323. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project., document #2943.


​de Cuba, Carlos. On the intervention account of main clause phenomena restrictions: NPI licensing and EV2. Theoretical Linguistics. Vol. 36 (2-3), 179-187. DOI:


​de Cuba, Carlos & Barbara Ürögdi. Clearing up the 'facts' on complementation. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 16 (1), Article 6.


de Cuba, Carlos & Barbara Ürögdi. Eliminating factivity from syntax: sentential complements in Hungarian. In Marcel Den Dikken & Robert Vago (eds.), Approaches to Hungarian. Vol. 11. John Benjamins. DOI: 10.1075/atoh.11.03cub


de Cuba, Carlos & Ivana Mitrović. Restrictions on wh-adjunct movement in Serbian. In Franc Marušić and Rok Žaucer (eds.), Studies in Formal Slavic Linguistics. 37-54. Peter Lang.


de Cuba, Carlos & Tomoko Kawamura. Intensionality and extraction as reflexes of syntactic structure. In Sylvia Blaho, Camelia Constantinescu & Erik Schoorlemmer (eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE XV. 25-40.


de Cuba, Carlos. On (Non)Factivity, Clausal Complementation and the CP-field. Ph.D. Dissertation. Stony Brook University.


de Cuba, Carlos. Negative polarity licensing, factivity and the CP-field. In Irene Barberia, Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza & Susana Huidobro (eds.), ASJU-International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology 41.2. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.


de Cuba, Carlos. The adjunction prohibition and extraction from non-factive CPs. In Donald Baumer, David Montero and Michael Scanlon (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. 123-131. Cascadilla.


de Cuba, Carlos. Embedded verb-second in Swedish, cP and intensionality. In Tomoko Kawamura, Yunju Suh & Richard Larson (eds.), Stony Brook Occasional Papers in Linguistics: Intensionality and Sentential Complementation. Vol. 1, 2-21. Stony Brook University.

Edited volumes


​Subotic, Ljiljana, John Bailyn, Carlos de Cuba, Radmilla Djurić, Aleksandar Kavgic, Tatjana Milićev, Ivana Mitrović & Radmila Sevic (eds.). Novi Sad Generative Syntax Workshop 2 Proceedings. Filozofski fakultet, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.


​Subotić, Ljiljana, John Bailyn, Carlos de Cuba, Ivana Mitrović & Radmila Sevic (eds.). Novi Sad Generative Syntax Workshop Proceedings. Filozofski fakultet, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Google Scholar Citations


Research Interests

Linguistics, Syntactic Theory, The Syntax-Semantics Interface, Sentential Complementation, Main Clause Phenomena, Factivity, Referentiality, Wh-movement, Islands, Germanic Linguistics, Swedish, Sociolinguistics, Language Acquisition, Speech Communication, ESL/TESOL, Learning Communities, Online Teaching

Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies

​Linguistic Society of America