
Annie Del Principe, Professor & Chairperson of English, is honored to have been a member of the full-time faculty at Kingsborough since 2004. She served as the Writing Program Administrator (English 12, 12A0, and 24) from 2007-2021, a position which tapped into her professional interest in and dedication to community college writing instruction and teacher development. Before joining the faculty at Kingsborough, Prof. Del Principe taught pre-service teachers in the Department of Teaching and Learning at New York University.
Prof. Del Principe’s recent scholarly interests center on the experiences of students and faculty in two-year colleges (TYCs). She has published scholarship on composition at the TYC, reading in the TYC, writing assessment, writing program administration, and writing placement reform.
Eng 12
Eng 24
Ph.D. in English Education, NYU
M.A. in English, University of Wisconsin at Madison
B.A. in English and Women’s Studies, Marquette University
College Teaching
Kingsborough, CUNY
New York University
Sacred Heart University
Academic and Professional Honors
Elected to Executive Board of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)
Book Review Editorship of Teaching English in the Two Year College (TETYC)
Associate Editorship of The Journal of Basic Writing (JBW)
Mark Reynolds Best Article Award in TETYC
Three PSC CUNY awards
Two President’s Innovation Awards, Kingsborough CC
Selected Publications
Del Principe, A. (2023). Time as a “built-in headwind”: The disparate impact of portfolio cross-assessment on Black TYC students. The Journal of Writing Assessment, 16.(1).
Accardi, S., Griffiths, B., Grauman, J., Del Principe, A., Snyder, S., Zino, D., and Klausman, J. (2023) Writing programs at TYCs: Where we are, and where we ought to be.Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 50(4).
Bruno, G., Del Principe, A., Devany, E.,Espinet, I., Gabay, E.M., Kates, L., and Schnee, E. (2022). What works for us: The faculty initiative on teaching reading. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 50(1).
Del Principe, A., Broder, L., & Levesque, L. (2021). Tracking the Racial Validity of Placement by Probability. In J. Nastal, M. Poe, & C. Toth (Eds.), Writing Placement in Two-Year Colleges: Case Studies of Postsecondary Education in Transition, forthcoming.
Ihara, R., & Del Principe, A. (2020). Writing on the Periphery: The Writing Landscape of a Two-Year College. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 48(2).
Del Principe, A. (2020). Cultivating a Sustainable TYC Writing Program: Collaboration, Disciplinarity, and Faculty Governance. WPA: Writing Program Administration, 43(3).
Del Principe, A., Mueller, D., & Fernandez, M. (2020). Antiracist Reading List. WPA | Council of Writing Program Administrators.
Del Principe, A., & Ihara, R. (2019). Reading is Not One Thing. The MLA Style Center.
Ihara, R., & Del Principe, A. (2018). What We Mean When We Talk About Reading: Rethinking the Purposes and Contexts of College Reading. Across the Disciplines, 15(2).
Del Principe, A., & Brady, J. (2018). Academic Freedom and the Idea of a Writing Program. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 45(4), 351-360.
Del Principe, A., & Ihara, R. (2017). A Long Look at Reading in the Community College: A Longitudinal Analysis of Student Reading Experiences. Teaching English In The Two Year College, 45(2), 183-206.
Del Principe, A., & lhara, R. (2016). "I Bought the Book and I Didn't Need lt": What Reading Looks like at an Urban Community College. Teaching English In The Two Year College, 43(3), 229-244.
Del Principe, A., & Hassel, H. (2013). Vernacular eloquence in the two-year college. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 41(2), 185-90.
Del Principe, A. (2010). Variations in Assessment, Variations in Philosophy: Unintended Consequences of Heterogeneous Portfolios. Teaching English In The Two Year College, 38(1), 6-21.
Del Principe, A., & Graziano-King, J. (2008). When Timing Isn't Everything: Resisting the Use of Timed Tests to Assess Writing Ability. Teaching English In The Two Year College, 35(3), 297-311.
Del Principe, A. (2004). Paradigm Clashes Among Basic Writing Teachers: Sources of Conflict and a Call for Change. Journal Of Basic Writing, 23(1), 64-81.
“Tensions in Abundance: Making Composition-Rhetoric Accessible to English Faculty at a Two-Year College” (with Gregory Bruno, Rachel Ihara, Maxine Krenzel, and Carl Schlachte), Conference on College Composition and Communication, panel presentation, Spokane, WA, April 2024
“New Placement as Teachable Moment: Learning from the Effects of System-wide Reform” (with Rachel Ihara”, Conference on College Composition and Communication, panel presentation, Chicago, IL, February 17, 2023.
“Writing Programs @TYCs: Where We Are and Where We Oughta Be.” (with Steven Accardi, Jillian Grauman, Brett Griffiths, Darin Jensen, Sarah Snyder, and Dominique Zino), Conference on College Composition and Communication, panel presentation presented online due to COVID-19, March 10, 2022.
"Troubling Labor-Based Assessment in the TYC: Fumbling Toward Equity" (with Esther Michelle Gabay & Cheryl Smith), Two-Year College English Association Annual Conference, Special Session, Chicago, IL (presented synchronously online due to COVID-19), March 9, 2022.
"Writing for TETYC: What Does it Mean to Be a Teacher-Scholar in the Two-Year College?"(with Charissa Che, Darin Jensen, and Peter Moe), Two-Year College English Association Annual Conference, Special Session, Chicago, IL (presented synchronously online due to COVID-19), March 9, 2022.
“Designing Unity: Challenging and Overcoming Commonplaces that Divide Writing Program Faculty.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Virtual Conference, April 10, 2021, panel presentation.
“Antiracist WPAing.” CWPA Virtual Discussion Conference, Virtual Conference, July 13, 2020, panel presentation.
“ALP Assessment Stories, Outcomes, and Future Intentions.” Restructuring First-Year Writing at CUNY: Access and Equity in the 21st Century, CUNY conference - Brooklyn, April 2019, panel presentation.
“Shifting the Goalposts for Greater Equity: Portfolio Assessment in ALP.” TYCA National Conference - Pittsburgh, March 2019, panel presentation.
“Cultivating Consensus among Teachers: Collaborative Leadership Strategies in Writing Program Administration.” CCCC, March 2017, half-day workshop.
With Rachel Ihara. “Cultivating Dissent: Creating Space for Competing Ideas About Reading in College.” CCCC, March 2017, Panel Presentation.
With Rachel Ihara. “’I Bought the Book and I Didn’t Need It’: What Reading Looks Like at an Urban Community College.” Faculty Forum, 18 November 2015, Kingsborough Community College.
“Risky Relationships in Placement, Teaching, and the Professional Organization.” Presented as part of the Conference on Basic Writing pre-conference Workshop, CCCC, March 2015, Tampa, FL.
“Playing at the Gate: Exploring the Possibilities for Play and Pleasure in Developmental English.” CCCC, March 2012, Panel Presentation.
Institutional Affiliations/Professional Societies
NCTE, National Council of Teachers of English
TYCA, the Two-Year College Association
AERA, the American Educational Research Association
CWPA, Council of Writing Program Administrators
CUNY WDC, Writing Discipline Council