
Gregory Bruno is Assistant Professor of English and Co-Director of the Composition Program at Kingsborough. He currently teaches Composition I & II, Creative Writing, and in the Accelerated Learning Program. He participates in the Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Program, Faculty Initiative on Teaching Reading, and Course Review Committee.
Prof. Bruno has published on composition pedagogy and theory, the intersection of higher education policy and student experience, Dialogical Self Theory in education, and equity initiatives in the community college writing classroom. His recent research centers on literacy teaching and learning in jails and prisons. He serves as area chair for Working Class Studies in the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association.
English 12 – Composition I
English 24 – Composition II
English 30 – Introduction to Literature
English 40 – Short Fiction
English 57 – Creative Writing Poetry Workshop
English 59 – Introduction to Creative Writing
Accelerated Learning Program
Ph.D. Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. State University of New York at New Paltz
B.A. St. Joseph’s College
College Teaching
Kingsborough Community College
Queens College
Borough of Manhattan Community College
SUNY New Paltz
St. Joseph’s University
Suffolk County Community College
Selected Publications
Bruno, G. (2022): Theory and Practice for Literacy in the Prison Classroom: An Inquiry Approach for Students and Educators. Rotterdam: Brill.
Bruno, G. (2021). Dialogue and the Dialogical Self in a Pedagogy for Prison Education, in C.Monereo, C, Weise, & H. Hermans (Eds.), Dialogicality: Personal, local, and planetary dialogue in education, health, citizenship, and research. (pp. 123 - 130). Nijmegen, Netherlands: International Society for Dialogical Science.
Bruno, G. (2020). Learning on the job: Instructor policy literacy in the basic writing
Journal of Basic Writing. 39(2), pp. 4 - 32.
Bruno, G. (2020). “Teaching for critical consciousness in the time of the student debt crisis.”Radical Teacher.
Bruno, G. (2020). Making meaning in the carceral space: Freirean dialogue and existential becoming in the jail or prison classroom, In J, Kirylo (Ed.), Reinventing pedagogy of the oppressed: Contemporary critical perspectives (pp. 53 - 62). London: Bloomsbury
Recent Presentations
Bruno, G. (2022). “This is Emergency Education” The Relationship between COVID Emergency Policies and Equity Outcomes in the First-Year Writing Course. Northeast Two-Year College Association Annual Conference. [Conference Presentation]. Syracuse, NY.
Bruno, G. (2021). Seeking Equity in Prison Pedagogy: An Analysis of Literacy Practices in College in Prison Programming. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. [Conference presentation]. Louisville, KY, United States.
Bruno, G. (2021). Higher Education and the Dialogical Self in the American Correctional Facility. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on the Dialogical Self,Barcelona, Spain.
Bruno, G. (2021). Dialogue Without Talk: Democratizing Remote Composition Courses with Collaborative Annotation Tools. [Conference presentation]. Northeastern Modern Language Association Conference, Virtual.
Bruno, G. (2020). Administrative and Financial Policy in the First-Year Writing Course [Conference presentation]. Two Year College Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI,United States.
Grants & Awards
Recipient of three PSC/CUNY grants, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Recipient of CUNY Stewart Travel Award, 2022.