Surgical Technology
Surgical Technology Bridge Program
Need more information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Department of Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
- Room D-313
- 718 368-6918
Am I eligible?
All practicing certified surgical technologists holding current CST or TS-C credentials
are eligible to apply. IMPORTANT: You must ensure that your NBSTSA certification does
not lapse as a student.
Why should I choose Kingsborough?
- You’ll earn an associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degree in surgical technology from one of the top programs in New York.
- Your life experience as a practicing certified surgical technologist will count as 32 credits of the 64 credits required to earn your degree.
- Our unique 12/6 semester allows you to take up to 18 credits during a 12-week session and up to 8 credits during a 6-week module, allowing you to complete your degree in one year or less.
- Most classes can be completed online, either on your own time (asynchronously) or at a set time (synchronously).
- As a KCC graduate, you are guaranteed admission to a four-year CUNY college, where your credits can be accepted toward a bachelor’s degree.
What classes will I need to take?
Your course of study incorporates knowledge and principles from the liberal arts,
emphasizing the sciences. The courses you need to complete include:
- ENG 12 (3 credits) English Composition I
- ENG 24 (3 credits) English Composition II
- BIO 11 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIO 12 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIO 51(4 credits) Microbiology in Health and Disease
- Math 4 (3 credits) Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning
- PHI 76 (3 credits) Ethics and Morality in the Health Professions
- SOC 31 (3 credits) Introduction to Sociology
- PSY 11 (3 credits) Introduction to Psychology
Two additional credits are from Flexible Core groups A (World Cultures), B (US Experience in its Diversity), and C (Creative Expression). Your advisor will help you select this course.
- NOTE: Your class selection must include a writing intensive course and one designated as a civic engagement course. Your advisor will assist with choosing these courses.
These 32 credits will be added to the 32 credits you’ll earn due to your life experience as a practicing certified surgical technologist for 64 credits. Most classes can be completed online on your own time (asynchronously) or at a set time (synchronously). The exception this fall is Microbiology (BIO 51), for which day and evening sections of the class are available.
What are my next steps?
- Visit to apply to the college. If you have questions or need help with your application, an admissions advisor at our One-Stop Admissions Center can assist you virtually or in person. Classes begin in March or September. Apply now!
- Submit your CST credential, either your certificate or NBSTSA ID card, for verification to the chairperson of the Allied Health, Mental Health, and Human Services Department in room D-313. IMPORTANT: You must ensure that your NBSTSA Certification does not lapse as a student.
- Meet with a Health and Stem Advisor. You’ll be assigned one after you are accepted to the program.
- Register for classes.
Need more information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Department of Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
Room D-313
718 368-6918