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Surgical Technology Bridge Program

In addition to holding national certification, New York State requires surgical technologists to complete a degree from an accredited educational program. If you’re a practicing certified surgical technologist considering changing jobs or advancing your career, Kingsborough Community College’s Surgical Technology Bridge Program will help you earn an associate degree in one year or less.



Need more information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Am I eligible?
All practicing certified surgical technologists holding current CST or TS-C credentials are eligible to apply. IMPORTANT: You must ensure that your NBSTSA certification does not lapse as a student.

Why should I choose Kingsborough?

    • You’ll earn an associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degree in surgical technology from one of the top programs in New York.
    • Your life experience as a practicing certified surgical technologist will count as 32 credits of the 64 credits required to earn your degree.
    • Our unique 12/6 semester allows you to take up to 18 credits during a 12-week session and up to 8 credits during a 6-week module, allowing you to complete your degree in one year or less.
    • Most classes can be completed online, either on your own time (asynchronously) or at a set time (synchronously).
    • As a KCC graduate, you are guaranteed admission to a four-year CUNY college, where your credits can be accepted toward a bachelor’s degree. 

What classes will I need to take?
Your course of study incorporates knowledge and principles from the liberal arts, emphasizing the sciences. The courses you need to complete include:

    • ENG 12 (3 credits) English Composition I
    • ENG 24 (3 credits) English Composition II
    • BIO 11 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology I
    • BIO 12 (4 credits) Anatomy and Physiology II
    • BIO 51(4 credits) Microbiology in Health and Disease
    • Math 4 (3 credits) Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning
    • PHI 76 (3 credits) Ethics and Morality in the Health Professions
    • SOC 31 (3 credits) Introduction to Sociology
    • PSY 11 (3 credits) Introduction to Psychology

Two additional credits are from Flexible Core groups A (World Cultures), B (US Experience in its Diversity), and C (Creative Expression). Your advisor will help you select this course.

    • NOTE: Your class selection must include a writing intensive course and one designated as a civic engagement course. Your advisor will assist with choosing these courses.

These 32 credits will be added to the 32 credits you’ll earn due to your life experience as a practicing certified surgical technologist for 64 credits. Most classes can be completed online on your own time (asynchronously) or at a set time (synchronously). The exception this fall is Microbiology (BIO 51), for which day and evening sections of the class are available.

What are my next steps?

    • Visit to apply to the college. If you have questions or need help with your application, an admissions advisor at our One-Stop Admissions Center can assist you virtually or in person.  Classes begin in March or September. Apply now!
    • Submit your CST credential, either your certificate or NBSTSA ID card, for verification to the chairperson of the Allied Health, Mental Health, and Human Services Department in room D-313. IMPORTANT: You must ensure that your NBSTSA Certification does not lapse as a student.
    • Meet with a Health and Stem Advisor. You’ll be assigned one after you are accepted to the program.
    • Register for classes.

Need more information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Department of Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
Room D-313
718 368-6918