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Full Professor and Co-Director of the Physical Education, Recreation and Recreation Therapy (PERRT).Teach Foundations of Health and Wellness; Sport and American Society; and Leadership in Recreation and Physical Education. I received my certification in Writing-Across-the-Curriculum and Blackboard. Teach blackboard, intensive writing, hybrid and honors enrichment component courses. I have many publications, present at conferences, and attend national conferences.


Ph.D., New York University (Degree in Physical Education with Concentration in Sports Management)

Doctoral Dissertation Title: “The Relationship of Hardiness, Sense of Coherence, Sports Participation, and Gender to Perceived Stress and Psychological Symptoms Among College Students,” 1997.

M.A.,  University of Maryland (Degree in Sports Psychology)

Thesis title: “Self-Perception of Male and Female High School Varsity Athletes in Social and Competitive Situations,” 1978.

B.S.,   University of Maryland (Degree in Physical Education), 1973.