By: Meagan Flores
When I was offered the opportunity to enroll in a program that could help prepare
me for college, I couldn't pass it up. The thought of college alone is scary, but
going in with no idea of what to expect would be worse. College Now gives high school
students a real college experience which gives a better understanding of what college
will really be like. Graduating from high school is a big step in life. It is the
step before college and it can be scary. When I think of going to college, I get excited
and scared at the same time. I can't wait to meet new people and further my education.
The thought of earning a degree and finding a career is exciting. Although college
may seem exciting, it is a new world with a more difficult curriculum, much different
from one of high school.
College Now has given myself and many other students a chance to experience this difficult
curriculum. It motivates students to go the distance and pursue higher education.
This program has given me self-confidence, time management skills, a better understanding
of how to choose a major and skills that will help me through college, especially
the first year. I hope to learn more with College Now as I continue with the program.
I would like to learn more about how to handle college work and what it will be like.
I feel that I have learned a lot so far. I feel better about myself, my capabilities
and I have a better idea of what college will be like. Going to college is a huge
step in life. It can be scary and hard to adjust to. Taking College Now has given
me the confidence I need to get through the difficult times, especially those of freshman
year and I feel more confident about taking the big step into college.