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Tottenville High School

Tottenville High School
Staten Island, New York

By: Student Advisory Board Members - Reem Hassan and Temitope Omoladun

Tottenville HSTottenville High School, Home of the Pirates, where juniors and seniors wake up bright and early to take advantage of College Now courses offered in the school through the Kingsborough Community College - College Now program. The College Now courses at Tottenville High School offer the students' variety of classes that give them insights and knowledge about topics related to each subject and skills that can facilitate them in the future. It is lucid that students who take College Now courses show dedication, commitment and eagerness to learn. To get a better jump among the students in the school, students take College Now courses to obtain college credits for free and save profuse amounts of money in college.

Students in Tottenville High School enjoy waking up early to attend classes like science with Ms. Andrawis, who wants the best for her students and teaches with great passion. She treats her students like real college students and imbues in them the value of work hard and being studious. Students who choose this science class enjoy learning fascinating things about science and are easier to pursue majors in the science field in the future. Before becoming Student Advisory Board members, we loved the science class with Ms. Andrawis, when we didn't understand a particular subject; she does her best to explain it and makes sure we understand it.

Tottenville HSMs. Andrawis (in the middle) is demonstrating to the students how to meticulously dissect and label a sheep brain. She shows them the proper technique of a dissection by putting on gloves and make sure instruments like scalpels are not close by to prevent any injuries. A few students gather around to watch as she performs her demonstration.Tottenville HS

Caroline Escobedo (left) and her partner (right) read the directions and follow the instructions to labeling the sheep brain. They prove that there is no "I" in team, as they work together to finish the assignment.

Tottenville HSA student's job well done. Finally, the sheep brain has been label according to its anatomy and physiology.

The Kingsborough College Now program has brought students in Tottenville High School together. Before signing up for the next subject, every student is eager to know what the other student is taking. The program definitely gives the students insights of how college is going to be like and encourages them to prepare for it. The teachers are facilitators in showing the students variety of subjects that are out there.