English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language
Structured as a two-semester experience, the ESL Program offers foreign-born students the opportunity to pursue their major while they are working to improve their language skills. Our ESL courses are part of Learning Communities modules that provide rigorous language instruction, an ESL-friendly approach to subjects such as Speech, Sociology, Psychology, and Student Development, and a warm community of peers and instructors as support. We focus on students’ acceleration and success and we are happy when we can make a difference:
- Department of English
- 2001 Oriental Blvd.
Room C-309
Brooklyn, NY 11235 - 718-368-5849
Department Chairperson
- Annie Del Principe
- 718-368-5849
- Ann.DelPrincipe@kbcc.cuny.edu
Co-Directors, ESL Program
- Patricia George
- 718-368-5264
- Patricia.George@kbcc.cuny.edu
Kristine Mariano
- 718-368-5418
- Kristine.Mariano@kbcc.cuny.edu
Showcase: The Digital Reflection/Story
One of our students' projects at the end of each semester is a digital reflection on their academic journey. Here are some of the most accomplished projects:
• Resilience through the Eyes of a Migrant
Student: Karina Makovska
Course: ESL 101 02P, Spring 2023
Prof. Neil Kernis

To enroll in ESL courses, students need to take the CUNY Accuplacer exam and receive a composite score of 60-86 and a score of at least 3 in the writing section.
Two courses are available for incoming students:
0 Credits; 10 Hours - 10 equated crs.
ESL 101 is the first course in the two-semester Learning Community course series;
it is open to all incoming day-/full-time students whose first language is not English and whose results on the CUNY ESL Accuplacer
exam indicate that they need to work on developing these areas. In ESL 101, the focus
is on reading, low-stakes writing, and media literacy. ESL 101 is accompanied by ESL 101 Supplemental Reading Instruction, a course that focuses on developing students’ reading and speaking skills. Students
read and discuss texts from different genres and literary traditions.
Prerequisite(s): ESL Student Group and CUNY Accuplacer score
Corequisite(s): ENG 1050
As part of a Learning Community, ESL 101 is supplemented by the following course offered through the Department of English:
1 Credit; 2 Hours.
This one-semester ESL Learning Community course offered in the fall semester, open
to all incoming day/full-time students whose first language is not English and whose results on the CUNY ESL Accuplacer
exam indicate that they need to work on developing these areas. Students in ENG 1050
will build language awareness through an integrative, content-based, and contextualized
approach. Students act as “language researchers,” attending to language form as they
build fluency, and drawing meaningful links between work in all Learning Community
courses from a linguistic perspective.
Prerequisite(s): ESL Student Group and CUNY Accuplacer score
Corequisite(s): ESL 101
ESL 101 students also take the following credit-bearing courses that satisfy the common-core requirements for their majors:
SPE 1100: Basic Communication Skills and Practice
PSY 1100: General Psychology
SOC 3100: Introduction to Sociology
SD 1000: Freshman Seminar
By the end of their first semester in the ESL Learning Communities Program, students will have earned 8 credits toward their major.
0 Credits; 8 Hours - 8 equated crs.
This course is designed for incoming evening/part-time students whose first language is not English and whose results on the CUNY ESL Accuplacer
exam indicate that they need to improve their reading and writing at the high intermediate
level. This course emphasizes reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Two
of the eight hours allocated to this course are devoted to developing students’ reading
and speaking skills. Students read and discuss texts from different genres and literary
Prerequisite(s): ESL Student Group and CUNY Accuplacer score
Most of our continuing day/full-time students will enroll in a second semester ESL Learning Community:
0 Credits; 10 Hours - 10 equated crs.
ESL 102 is the second course in the two-semester Learning Community course series;
it is open to all continuing students whose first language is not English and who
have completed ESL 101. In ESL 102, the emphasis continues to be on reading while
building towards more formal academic writing. ESL 102 is also accompanied by ESL 102 Supplemental Reading Instruction, a course that continues to develop students’ reading and speaking skills. Students
read and discuss texts from different genres and literary traditions.
Prerequisite(s): ESL 101
ESL 102 students also take the following credit-bearing course as part of the Learning Community:
SPE 2100: Effective Public Speaking
In addition to ESL 102 and SPE 2100, students can take any courses they need towards their majors.
At the end of the second semester of ESL, most students will place in Freshman Composition.
With the help of an advisor, students can design their own schedules for the Winter and Summer semesters.
Students receiving Financial Aid will be able to use it and cover the cost of all ESL courses.
Student resources:
- CUNY Accuplacer and ATB Tests
- Questions about the CUNY Accuplacer (please, scroll down to the section “How will English as a Second Language (ESL) applicants be assessed for placement into courses?”)
- Baruch College study guides for the Accuplacer and ATB tests
- Accuplacer: WritePlacer ESL Samples
- Accuplacer: Sample questions
- ATB Reading Samples
- ATB Writing Samples
- TEAS Practice Tests