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Creative Writing

English Department Literature

Creative Writing

Did you know that Kingsborough is the only community college in Brooklyn? Brooklyn! The birthplace and residency of some of the most important writers in American history is also the home of a community college that nurtures its borough’s writers and artists.

Our Creative Writing program celebrates our city and its many writers with a curriculum that opens doors and invites creativity.

  • Department of English
  • 2001 Oriental Blvd.
    Room C-309
    Brooklyn, NY 11235
  • 718-368-5849

Department Chairperson

Area Director, Creative Writing

Here are the classes we offer.

English 59, Introduction to Creative Writing, presents both traditional and innovative ways of writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The course is designed to help students become better creative and critical thinkers by encouraging participants to explore a range of forms in a supportive and absorbing environment.

In English 56, Creative Writing: Fiction, students will experiment, a lot, with writing. They will write a number of short stories throughout the semester, some of which will be very short (and written in class), and some of which will be longer, and written outside of class. Aside from reading and modeling stories on other stories and writers, we will also look at other types of storytelling: e.g., art, music and film, in an attempt to explore what storytelling is, in its various incarnations.

English 57, Creative Writing: Poetry, allows students to discover the many forms of writing poetry in an environment that challenges their expectations and engages their expanding skill set. Yes, there will be quite a bit of rap. It might get loud!

English 58, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, offers instruction and practice in the art of writing nonfiction, including autobiography and memoir, cultural memoir and critique, nature, travel, and community writing, and literary journalism. We will examine the ways in which both traditional and experimental genres can enrich your development of superior artistry.

English 60, Creative Writing: Screenwriting, focuses on the practice and art of writing screenplays and scripts, along with study of works of screenplays as examples and models. Students are encouraged to engage and participate in the many film-related activities in Brooklyn and beyond.